Artonomi Aesthetics

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Neurotoxin Dosing: Why It's Important to Properly Dose

Neurotoxins are medications like Botox and Dysport which are used to improve the appearance of moderate to severe wrinkles for an average of 3-4 months. A client's personal neurotoxin dose is determined by several factors. When dosed incorrectly, neurotoxins can leave you with the stereotypical "frozen" look.  

What Are Neurotoxins?

Neurotoxins also known as Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin are injectable solutions that prevent lines and wrinkles from forming. They strategically target precise facial muscles to reduce expressions such as frowning or squinting. They work by temporarily blocking nerve receptors in the muscle to stop it from contracting. They temporarily pause muscle movements. The absence of contracting the facial muscles reduces fine lines and wrinkles since the skin has a chance to naturally renew itself. 

How Do We Dose Neurotoxins?

Many different factors determine how we dose neurotoxins including the treatment area, the facial anatomy, and the severity of your lines and wrinkles. It generally boils down to the size and strength of the muscles. That's why at your Artonomi Aesthetics appointment, we will ask you to contract your muscles in order to determine how many units we will inject. 

Your treatment should be customized for your face and needs. Every person has a different facial structure and expressions so a one-size-fits-all approach should never be used. One person may have stronger and longer glabellar lines which are vertical lines that appear between the eyebrows. They should not have the same amount of units injected as someone with shorter and weaker glabellar lines. At Artonomi Aesthetics, our injectors will take a look at your face and give you an individualized

Why Is It Important to Properly Dose?

Have you ever seen faces with the "frozen" look? That is usually due to overdoing neurotoxins. When dosing neurotoxins, we want to achieve the proper dosage to ensure that we inject enough units for the muscles to relax and enough to last 3-4 months. An overdose of neurotoxins can cause the muscles to become so weak that it gives you that unnatural "frozen" look and can also lead to dropping. Neurotoxins are also much more effective if you have treatments periodically every 3-4 months.

On the other hand, under-dosing is equally as much of a problem. Not only will under-dosing a muscle not give the results you are looking for, but it also won’t last 3-4 months. Since under-dosing does not adequately relax the muscles, it can cause the muscles in your face to continually try to work, which leads to bulges at the ends of your muscles. Under-dosing will eventually end up costing you more in the long run. This is why it is crucial to find an injector that you trust so that you feel confident in their recommended dose and don't feel the need to convince them to inject less.

Your chances of being improperly dosed are higher when injected by an unskilled injector. Overdosing and under-dosing is something we make sure to avoid at Artonomi Aesthetics. Proper dosing of neurotoxins will leave you looking more rested, with defined brows, more open eyes, and smooth skin. At Artonomi Aesthetics, our injectors are experts in properly dosing neurotoxins. 

How Can I Avoid Being Improperly Dosed?

People that have bad experiences with neurotoxins have gone to the wrong injector. The first step to avoiding being improperly dosed is to find an experienced injector. Neurotoxins are pharmaceuticals and should not be injected by just anyone. The expert injectors at Artonomi Aesthetics know exactly how much dosage your face requires and what results you can expect. 

How Long Do Neurotoxins Take to Work?

When injected, the neurotoxins take a few days to kick in depending on the amount of neurotoxin injected and the kinetics of absorption. Initial weakening of the muscles does not occur for several days. The peak occurs after about 2 weeks. Effects of the neurotoxins generally subside after 2-3 months and the strength generally returns to normal by 3-4 months.

How can I book an appointment?

The key to achieving the best results with neurotoxins is carefully selecting your injector. At Artonomi Aesthetics, we are dedicated to creating harmony between artistry and medicine by using modern technological advances in cosmetic medicine paired with artistic skill. Book a consultation with Artonomi Aesthetics at our Los Angeles-based medspa today!